...Anyone know where she went?
Cos ya see here, I'm missing my twin.
...sorta like my best friend.
Miss you, tink! ;)
becoming who i'm supposed to be
‘Suppress all feelings…’
It doesn’t help to suppress these feelings, Mom…
No one chooses to live a hard life.
Do you actually think I’d want this?
Do you actually believe I’d wanna live this way?
This is all I have…
Please don’t add up to it.
Just because no one in your family’s gay, doesn’t mean you can’t order your own daughter to ‘stay straight’…
Mother, I’ve known all my life—
And trust me, it ain’t the ‘Devil’…
Believe me, it isn’t the fuckin’ Devil’s plans to wreak “my future in heaven”.
I know my heaven.
I know where it exists.
It is nowhere you know of where you think or believe I belong.
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