sorry about the sad girl picture-- trust me, complete opposite of what im feeling at the moment! :)
my girlfriend made me sooo happy today! she's damn hilarious! everyone should have a girlfriend like her! Oh but don't get me wrong... i ain't sharing! haha! anyways, i was checking her blog and i came across her 'copied questions entry' and decided to copy it-- yes, babe.. i am a copycat! I love you boobiiieee!! I love you my tipsy woman! Mwah, mwah mwah!
1. Yourself: what am i? deliriously happy!
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? booooobieee, babyy, bay, twinnieee, tink, s... pusssyyy hahaha!
3. Your hair: getting longer but i think i wanna trim it
4. Your mother: my best friend and worst enemy :)
5. Your father: my dad's old school cool
6. Your favorite item: my laptop and call cards
7. Your dream last night: quite abstract--
8. Your favorite drink: vodka tonic and beer
9. Your dream car: a black porsche
10. The room you are in: living room
11. Your ex: who???
12. Your fears: i don't think of them.. i live!!
13. What you want to be in 10 years: rich, famous...with my babyy and our cute little golden retrievers :) oh yeah and a we have to have a house too! a modern one!
14. Who you hung out with last night: my painter who's painting my room gray
15. What you're not: poser
16. Muffins: huh? muffins what? i like muffins! i think?
17: One of your christmas wish list items: well, i think i'd want a... nice white rug
18. Time: nighttime
19. The last thing you did: talked to my best friend
20. What you are wearing: brown sleeveless top and my army fox shorts
21. Your favorite weather: a breezy cloudy weather
22. Your favorite book: the zahir
23. The last thing you ate: i don't know what it's called.. haha!
24. Currently, your life is: perfect!
25. Your mood: uhhh... ask my girlfriend :)
26. Your best friend: is sad right now :(
27. What you are thinking about right now: july july july july july july!!!
28. Your car: ya mean my car... NEEDS to be a porsche or a black range rover!
29. What you are doing at the moment: typing and thinking
30. Your summer: my summer was awesome!
31. Your name: is short and suuuuhweet!
32. What is on your tv: it's not on
33. Last time you laughed: just a while ago
34. Last time you cried: last Saturday in the beach... :(
dear baby, don't kill me cos i was seriously trying to figure out this whole new blogger beta thingymahjig but i didn't wanna risk getting killed by you! haha! soooo.. see ya later love! I love you!
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? booooobieee, babyy, bay, twinnieee, tink, s... pusssyyy hahaha!
3. Your hair: getting longer but i think i wanna trim it
4. Your mother: my best friend and worst enemy :)
5. Your father: my dad's old school cool
6. Your favorite item: my laptop and call cards
7. Your dream last night: quite abstract--
8. Your favorite drink: vodka tonic and beer
9. Your dream car: a black porsche
10. The room you are in: living room
11. Your ex: who???
12. Your fears: i don't think of them.. i live!!
13. What you want to be in 10 years: rich, famous...with my babyy and our cute little golden retrievers :) oh yeah and a we have to have a house too! a modern one!
14. Who you hung out with last night: my painter who's painting my room gray
15. What you're not: poser
16. Muffins: huh? muffins what? i like muffins! i think?
17: One of your christmas wish list items: well, i think i'd want a... nice white rug
18. Time: nighttime
19. The last thing you did: talked to my best friend
20. What you are wearing: brown sleeveless top and my army fox shorts
21. Your favorite weather: a breezy cloudy weather
22. Your favorite book: the zahir
23. The last thing you ate: i don't know what it's called.. haha!
24. Currently, your life is: perfect!
25. Your mood: uhhh... ask my girlfriend :)
26. Your best friend: is sad right now :(
27. What you are thinking about right now: july july july july july july!!!
28. Your car: ya mean my car... NEEDS to be a porsche or a black range rover!
29. What you are doing at the moment: typing and thinking
30. Your summer: my summer was awesome!
31. Your name: is short and suuuuhweet!
32. What is on your tv: it's not on
33. Last time you laughed: just a while ago
34. Last time you cried: last Saturday in the beach... :(
dear baby, don't kill me cos i was seriously trying to figure out this whole new blogger beta thingymahjig but i didn't wanna risk getting killed by you! haha! soooo.. see ya later love! I love you!