Saturday, October 07, 2006

And in times when we forget about everyone else but ourselves, it helps to watch a person give so much care so much love so much-- because it brings us to remember that the world is not ours alone, and that there are people who need more than we do.

That at the end of the day, we must not always complain in the comfort of our homes, for there are those who suffer a far greater deal of pain in the outskirts of our tiny, egoistical worlds.

I’m gonna meet Angelina someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to love Angelina Jolie as well. I first fell in love with her was when I watched her in the movie called "Hack" ... Damn, she's unbelievably gorgeous!

Well, what I love about her is what she has been doing for the world. Humanitarian issues. Salute!

And yes, the world is not ours alone, definitely. Of course, we are not alone too!