I give up... Talk is cheap. Listening to all this bull's killing me. Why should I even care? I have my whole life to live. I don't need to know what other people say or do. I don't. But why is it that words affect me? Why is it that words affect us so greatly? What's so special about words? What's so special about these damn words?
These people we all try to please... they are those who are never contented. So why try? Why try so hard to please? Isn't it their own f*ckin' problem they're never happy? Why should we be on the frontlines? Why should we be their offence and defence..? Why should we?
*And God--
God, my dear God... I know nothing of you and yet you know me completely...
It tempts me to stop believing...
This faith nails me to an empty cross
...My cross.
If lie is a sin
Then surely this life I'm living is a lie--
Therefore I am your sinner...
Talk is cheap,
This will all be done by the time I fall asleep...
Your page is flooded by words that contradict each other. Like you catch yourself saying something you wouldn't say. Why?
i read your blog again... i guess that's the beauty of learning and finding contentment... contradicting yourself, finding your faults and learning from them... :)
Talk can be cheap; sometimes or maybe most of the time. Sweet nothings.
There will always be bullshits around us and we cannot do anything to stop all those nonsense. Only live your life for yourself because no one can judge you for who you are at the end of day. They do not have the rights to do so.
We need not please people as we ought to be ourselves. Pleasing others will not work wonders, this is what I believe.
Faith; we need that but sometimes I do catch my faith slipping away from me too. But I hold on to it because I believe. You've gotta believe too.
Take a break, you need it.
i know.. i'm crazy-confused aren't I? oh well... that's just me :)thanks for the comments though!
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