People find themselves this Christmas…
Like any other Christmas,
Praying to be found
Praying to be won
Praying for acceptance
Praying to be kept safe
Praying for happiness
Praying to be comforted
Praying to be loved
Praying to find some sort of peace within themselves…
And I’ve seen myself praying…
In my sleep I pray
In daylight,
As I speak, walk…
The prayer in my head goes on and on…
Waiting to be heard—
Waiting in line to be granted…
The prayer in my mind
Has been my prayer since birth…
To find peace
To be loved
To be comforted
To find happiness
To be kept safe
To be accepted
To be won
And to be found
The prayer deep within…
The prayer…
The prayer that I want Him to hear if He does has the ears to listen…
If He does have the heart to grant…
How can something so right be so wrong…?
I hope He understands,
I hope He knows it’s what I feel is right—
My Faith tested.
And yet, prayer is the only thing that keeps me grounded.
So pray.
Pray this Christmas…
It might be the only thing you have left to say—
…even to the air
And so I pray this Christmas,
That next Christmas
I might have the prayer
My prayer and even yours…
I'm praying for myself, and I'm praying for you. And I'm praying for all who matter to me. Including you. Be happy, you deserve it.
i'm praying for you too, tink... love yah
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