1.) STARBUCKS! (because of you, carrie! thanks a lot for the 'juju' comment!)
2.) To end this week--2 days before summer!! Someone zap me to Saturday!
3.) New Billabong Boardshorts
4.) Krispy Kreme... *sigh*
5.) DVD shopping..
6.) To hit the beach with my friends :)
7.) To buy a new digital camera
8.) To finally fly to... ________ (ain't tellin' ya where i'm going!)
9.) Real Loooove :)
10.) Forgiveness... cos I don't wanna stay too mad at her
11.) To hug my best friend... :)
12.) To buy Nike Dunks!
13.) aaaaand Mandy Musgrave. She's hot!
I'm craving for many things too!
hahaha! :) starbucks!!!
i'm craving for one of the things you're craving for too! make a guess, sunshine! :}
why should u too mad at me?
i ain't deserve for that rite?why???
haha! hmmm... lemme guess... haha! wait, too much math in my head-- i'll figure it out later, tink! :)
anonymous... mad at you???
NIKE DUNKS! haha! if i get this right then... wait, wait... Nike Dunks or billabong boardshorts but i'm guessing more on the NIKE DUNKS!!! are we twins??? haha!
juju, hunnie! hahahaha! juju! i'm gonna get some juju tomorow!
my goodness! krispy kreme! aaaah!
juju with krispy kreme!
hi, i'm carrie and i'm a food-a-holic! hahahahah
gimmmmmmmmeeeee!!!! :) starbucks and krispyyyy kreeeeeme!!!
Twins, babe, twins. You're right on the Nike Dunks. But. There's something else on that list that I'm craving for too! It concerns travelling, sunshine. :)
hahahaha! awwwww.... twinnie :) *hugs*
the best thing in u is...
gosh...can't say it here!
but it's inetersting...
u made people out of mind....
or may be not, milacku ;o)
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