March 5, 2006..
Time to search my child... it is over. Your hunt is over.
She is gone now.
Search deeper--
You'll eventually find better.
Fear not the darkness for in darkness lies mysteries ready to unfold before your very eyes. She is out there, believe me. Waiting...
Now is your turn to captivate. Now is your turn to teach. Now is your chance to love and be loved in return. Love... it is the easiest form of action... of emotion.
She is there.... She is there.
Wait. Wait for it. Wait for her.
She will be unexpectedly perfect.
You've got it...
Pray. Cos you've forgotten your faith.
Listen-- stop hearing your pathetic pleas.
You've got it.
Wait for her--
She's close by.
Unknown but close by...
Faith... Fate...Wake me up.
...Close by?
I've got time to heal.
Time to wait...
Please come soon...
April 2007
You became my girl... :) see?? it's all about patience baby... trust me when i say this. it was worth the wait and the pain to find you-- thank you for finding me and for saving me.
I love you so so much!
We have different perceptions. your sister and i try to believe we shouldn't wait and expect, nevertheless im glad you found her =)
i tried that... not to wait and expect and i didn't expect her to come but she did-- and when i stopped waiting, she arrived. :) so, don't lose hope you guys! they'll come soon! i love you both! thanks for completely supporting me!
Because both of you are meant to be together.
It is just a matter of time.
But i guess all the wait pays off.
For 2 persons to fall for each other, I think it is not easy.
Glad that you found her.
thanks lurb :)
i am dammmn happy i found her too..
It goes both ways, baby. I'm happy I found you too. I think I would have still been lost if I hadn't found you. If we hadn't found each other. Love, my baby.
I'm glad that you finally found someone. It's a happy, happy thing. As for me, I'm still waiting and hoping. It may never come anyway.
But I'm happy to see you happy!
I'll drop you an e-mail soon. Been hella busy!
hey come on now kyels! you'll find her and she'll find you too.. i'm sure! trust me! okay?? don't give up now.. you'll find her too one day! lots of love dear!
I found that person but I doubt she wants to be with me ... ]:
Anyway, I'll update you via e-mail okaaayyy?
Take care!
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