last night was bad.
that, i admit.
i was wrong--
i had my pride with me again.
mr. pride.
always with me.
i gotta let him go somehow.
my girlfriend has really 'grown'
grown to be more patient and understanding.
it was sad.
i hurt her.
my words can truly pierce.
the power of words.
it must be tamed.
but the worst is over :)
we're talking...
that's how problems are solved anyway, right?
so yeah.
we're good again.
talking about the trip, her hinting about some things i could buy for her
when i come over...
she's calling me tonight--
i'm happy.
i love listening to the sound of her voice.
makes me feel closer to her.
it's true.
long distance relationships work people!
truly they do--
in a few more days, it'll be our one year.
i can't believe it.
after everything.
my girl.
...still my girl through it all.
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Fights happen but in an understanding r/s things can be solved easily.
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