Masking your identity. It’s but a gift and a curse in our lives. It’s what we all learn to specialize in.
It’s what keeps us sane.
But when is too much, TOO much? When does the need to stop happen?
Does it happen?
Will it happen?
Or are these questions destined to be repeated over and over out of uncomfortable-comfort? I know society dictates our actions and that we’re all invisibly trapped in this whacked system. However, we can’t really blame ourselves, can we? After all, those that go against the current are either ‘burned up’ in fighting for their so-called beliefs. Cynical? Yeah, I know. I know I am. Feelings change. Don’t worry, I’ll wake up tomorrow and re-read this post and probably take it all back.
I almost gave up my identity for her—and if she only loved me and gave me the chance to love her, I would have risked it—The curious stares that follow the judgemental gossip, the striking fact that my parents could disown me, talks from schoolmates and friends who thought they knew me and in the end, didn’t?
Easier said than done… that’s what we all say to justify our actions. It is the very reason why some things are ‘meant’ left undone.
And so we all continue to live our lives this way. We mask it with happiness, we mask it with other people’s problems, we mask it with travelling, and watching the lives of other people through movies and television. We mask it with everything and anything away from what we really feel inside... Maybe this is our own little way of making it through this world we live in—maybe this mask isn’t so bad after all. Maybe we should be grateful for it and for these lies we know how to carry ever-so gracefully… For without it, we’d be all living in utter chaos.
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