Monday, November 27, 2006

Next stop... Never, Neverland... *POOF!*

One tiny, tiny fairy's soooo damn 'miss-able'
...Anyone know where she went?
Cos ya see here, I'm missing my twin.
...sorta like my best friend.

Miss you, tink! ;)

No more drama in my life... :)

Things have been a lot better--
I know now what I want...
I know now how to get it...

I want you to learn the secret of life.
It ain't a mystery.
It ain't anything special.
We have it within.
All you need is to reach it.
Want it.
Desire it.

"To visualize is to materialize..."

Believe it exists.
And it shall be yours...

"I wanna go to the beach... *sigh*"

Thursday, November 23, 2006

What happens next!

after completely draining myself doing school work, I decided to sit, relax and finish the last two episodes of lost's 2nd season-- i'm tellin' ya, this show is awesome! I can't believe Ana Lucia's dead though! She was practically one of the main reasons why I started watching lost! anyways, it's all good... Jack's hot so it's all good! dakota, ya better have season 3 for me! ;)

yeaaaah... i'm pretty drained right now but feelin' a lot better. exercising does the trick! it helps me forget... it helps me look forward to something better...

by the way, hope ya'll like the new videos... always loved dave matthews!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

dirty laundry

peel my clothes off...
and make me peel your clothes off...

you can't hide these feelings from me.
i can see right through you.
tell me what you want.
and i'll try my best to understand...

i'm naked
not jaded...

i'm naked
damn jaded.

Friday, November 17, 2006

... :)

Thank you for makin’ me happy today…


My so-called twin...

Almost like a best friend…

My travel buddy someday…

Peter Pan's actually a girl, ya know?

You Tink.

Thanks for watchin' my back :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

'Devil's Playground'

‘Suppress all feelings…’

It doesn’t help to suppress these feelings, Mom…

No one chooses to live a hard life.

Do you actually think I’d want this?

Do you actually believe I’d wanna live this way?


This is all I have…

Please don’t add up to it.

Just because no one in your family’s gay, doesn’t mean you can’t order your own daughter to ‘stay straight’…

Mother, I’ve known all my life—

And trust me, it ain’t the ‘Devil’…

Believe me, it isn’t the fuckin’ Devil’s plans to wreak “my future in heaven”.

I know my heaven.

I know where it exists.

It is nowhere you know of where you think or believe I belong.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

didn't your mother teach you not to let strangers into your house?

I can't believe it's already been a year! haha! that was one unexpected message but it really made me laugh-- thanks carrie! i'm gonna post it for the world to see!

"a year i met a crazy, crying stranger. this crazy, crying stranger got locked outta her apartment so i let crazy, crying stranger sleep at my house. crazy, crying stranger has gone through a lot like-- her hopeless romantic stage and the death of her ______. now, exactly a year after I met her, crazy, crying stranger is still crazy, still crying, but no longer a stranger... she's just strange! haha! it's been one year!"

one year aready??!
damn... feels like yesterday!
thanks for sticking around!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


If you're reading this, don't worry... it's done.
I'm over it--
We're good friends... :)
I've accepted it.

"...cos for some unknown reason our status will remain as friends." *spill canvas

You're happier with her...
I SEE it.
I ain't bitter anymore,
I'm happy for you both.

She's great for you and vice versa.
I wish you lots, and lots of happy days together...

Be safe.
I'll always be around.
You know it.
Yeaaah... you know it...

(oh to all ya readers out there...check out my new fave vid of the week! it's incredibly funny!! cheers!)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Enough Inspiration... :)

Say it with me...
'It's time to exercise!'

Monday, November 06, 2006

It hurts-- however not so much anymore

that was a harsh post, I know... but there are things you see and some things that you don't--

hate was a strong word to use...
however it was hatred that I felt at that moment...

but i've learned that inside hate resides love--

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The tears that just don't wanna come out--


A pirate's life for me!

Back to reality--
The beach was great.
The sun.
The sand.
The waves.

Thoughts of her.
Many thoughts of her.
But all thoughts can be controlled...
However, I chose to let it flow.


I'm fallin' asleep while writing this so i'm just gonna end by saying goodnight to ya'll...
Hope ya guys like the new videos

"They don't love ya like I love ya.." :)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Talk is cheap

Clear the noise...

I give up... Talk is cheap. Listening to all this bull's killing me. Why should I even care? I have my whole life to live. I don't need to know what other people say or do. I don't. But why is it that words affect me? Why is it that words affect us so greatly? What's so special about words? What's so special about these damn words?

These people we all try to please... they are those who are never contented. So why try? Why try so hard to please? Isn't it their own f*ckin' problem they're never happy? Why should we be on the frontlines? Why should we be their offence and defence..? Why should we?

*And God--
God, my dear God... I know nothing of you and yet you know me completely...
It tempts me to stop believing...
This faith nails me to an empty cross

...My cross.

If lie is a sin
Then surely this life I'm living is a lie--

Therefore I am your sinner...

Talk is cheap,
This will all be done by the time I fall asleep...